Bullying prevention resources for K-12 youth, families, and educators

Know extraordinary people who should be recognized for their bullying prevention work?

Free, online classroom resources to create safe and supportive schools and communities.

Take the Pledge
Pledge to treat others with kindness and be more accepting and inclusive.

Kids Against Bullying
Innovative, educational website for elementary school students to learn, engage in activities, and be inspired to advocate for self and others.

Teens Against Bullying
A website created by and for middle and high school students, with ideas to address bullying, be heard, and lead change in an important social cause.

Questions Answered
You asked, we answered! Response options include images, 60-second snapshot, longer articles, video and poll.

Students With Disabilities
A comprehensive overview of addressing and preventing bullying and harassment of students with disabilities.

Free online, year round toolkit with a new classroom lesson each week! Create environments in which each student is INcluded, INvested and INvolved.
I Care Because
i care because i was cyber bullied it was fun. i sometimes cried my self to sleep because it hurt me to much i wanna do somthing to perfent cyber bullying and other kind of bulling because there kids in my school who get bullied and i never know what to do about it but know i do. ill take action and fight for what i belive in .
Ashley, 13, on
We all deserve happiness.
peggy, 18, New York
I get bullied every day on and offline in and out of school its so sad because i want to hurt others and hurt myself!please don't end up like me its very hard i suffer from many thing cuz of this! please get help right away if you need someone or something!
Mackenzi, 10, Oregon,America
I know how it feels to be bullied. I bullied someone once i feel bad for doing it.
jessewright, 11, bennett
I see people get bullied all of the time. I try to make it stop, but I don't want to get "physically involved" in it. Make a stop towards bullying. And if you are one of those people who are being bullied, just talk to someone about it! Make a difference! Tell someone. They can help you make a change.
Mary, 13, MO
I was bullied when i was little and to this day still suffer from the effects. I have self harmed and been anerexic since i was 13. People always say that sticks and stones may break your bones but names can never hurt you. It is so untrue... names and things people say hurt way more than hits. Trust me i've dealt with both. Bullying is in no way cool and i hope with ever fiber in my body that if enough people stand up that it can be stopped once and for all. BULLYING HURTS!
Jessica, 19, Canada, BC
From the time I was in Kindergarten and to this day, I have been bullied. I am 4'11 and I only weigh 90 pounds, people always make fun of me, say that I am ugly for being so skinny when in reality I really cannot help that I am so little. Also, I have an 8-year old daughter and she has been bullied in school for absolutely no reason. There is no reason to bully someone. I am 1,000,000% against bullying.
Kathryn, 27, Kentucky
I Stand against bullying cuz I was someone who bullied some of my classmates and later got to know what I am doing and stood against bullying and got bullied by my friends who use to bully with me and I knew how it felt. I feel ashamed of my self but with all the help of my girlfriend I got hope and forget the past and stood against it and I am proud to say that I STAND AGAINST BULLYING.
Naushad, 17,

Carmen’s Corner
A series of six educational videos designed for young audiences. It features characters from PACER’s Kids Against Bullying puppet program, highlights key concepts of bullying prevention, and promotes social-emotional learning. Educator guide and student worksheets accompany each video.
“What You Can Do”This 4-part handout series provides comprehensive information for students and adults about how to help someone who is experiencing bullying, as well as how to address bullying in the community.
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- Bullying Prevention 101, A Quick Guide:
- Bullying Prevention Slide Show and Quiz
- Notifying the School About Bullying — Using a Template Letter
- Student Action Plan Against Bullying + Guide for Using the Plan
- Common Views and Myths about Bullying
- What if Your Child Is the One Showing Bullying Behavior?
Support Kindness, Acceptance and Inclusion for All Students

Become a Champion Against Bullying
Join the hundreds of nonprofits, schools, and community groups that collaborate directly with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center by using and sharing our bullying prevention resources in their communities.
Survey Monkey Contributes to NBPC
Sign up and you will receive surveys by e-mail from SurveyMonkey customers who need your opinion. For every survey you take, SurveyMonkey will donate 50 cents to PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center, plus you'll get a chance to win $100 in an instant win game.